Karate Classes for Kids in Chandler June 2017
We are starting a new session at the Boys and Girls Club in Chandler. The ISKF Chandler is ready to start a new session for kids and teens. The cost is $15.00 for members. This summer will be an 8 week session. We will focus on new students. There will be advanced students in the class, but they can all train together.
What can you expect from Karate
The main objective in Karate, in regards to kids is to develop discipline and self defense. The most important thing is to teach the kids that they should refrain from using Karate on the street. In class our goal is for the students to have fun while training hard. A bit of a knife edge, challenging for the instructors as well as the students.
We are affiliated with the following organization:
Karate Az (Western Region ISKF Headquaters)
If you live in the Mesa area check out the Western Region Headquaters.
If you are in Chandler or the southeast valley come by the Boys and Girls Club Compadre Branch
Best Regards
Dave Bracklow