Kicking and Punching is a standard Karate Class
Standard pratice.
15 miutes of strecthing and 15-20 minutes of cardio warm-up.
Next we did about 30 minutes of basics punching in position, and then punching with stances. Next blocking and punching combinations.
Then we broke up into groups and worked on Kihon Kumite (basic sparring) Ippon Kumite.
Oi-Tzuki Jodan (stepping in punching face) other person Jodan Age-uke(stepping back upper level block)
Oi-Tzuki Chudan Gedan Bari.
Mae Geri Chudan Gedan Bari
Yoko Geri Chudan Naiwan Uke
We came back together and worked on those same basics in a group.
Last we trained as a group Kata(form) for about 20min.
We closed out class, then myself and 4 other senior students parcticed Team Kata for about half and hour.
What a great way to start the weekend.
Please contact me if you are interested in Training in Karate.